Scandalous Foods, a trailblazing business-to-business entity, has successfully raised an impressive Rs 1.6 crore in its ongoing pre-seed funding round. The funding round, co-led by Anthill Angel Fund, EvolveX, Value360, and Sapphireink, with additional backing from key industry influencers including Sagar Daryani, Kamnaa Aggarwal, Vikas Aggarwal, and Harpal Singh Sokhi, marks a significant milestone for the one-stop-shop specializing in preservative-free sweets.
The substantial injection of capital will play a pivotal role in catapulting Scandalous Foods into a new phase of growth and innovation. The company has outlined a strategic roadmap for utilizing the funds, with a focus on product development, expanding production capabilities in Nasik, implementing automation for enhanced efficiency, and a remarkable expansion plan to increase touchpoints from 250 to an ambitious 2000 within the next year. This strategic allocation underscores Scandalous Foods’ commitment to aggressive market penetration and industry dominance.
Founded in August 2022 by Sanket S and Pravesh Amin, Scandalous Foods has rapidly gained recognition for its transformative approach to the sweets industry, particularly within the restaurant sector. The company’s hallmark lies in providing preservative-free sweets boasting an impressive six-month shelf life, presented in convenient single-serve sizes. While currently centered on cloud kitchens, Scandalous Foods has set its sights on diversifying its footprint across various segments within the broader food service industry.
Looking ahead, Scandalous Foods is poised to introduce an exciting array of offerings, including mithai bars, cookies, cupcakes, and sachets, aligning with the evolving preferences for on-the-go indulgence. The company reports a remarkable tenfold increase in its customer base for monthly orders over the past three quarters, indicative of its growing popularity and market appeal. Additionally, Scandalous Foods proudly asserts that it has successfully sold close to 14 lakh individual pieces of sweets, with its frozen food range retaining an impressive 97% of freshness, texture, and taste.
The HoReCa industry—encompassing Hotel, Restaurant, and Catering—stands as a primary target for Scandalous Foods’ expansion strategy. The company envisions establishing a formidable presence within this sector, leveraging its innovative offerings and the surging demand for preservative-free sweets. The recent infusion of funds from the pre-seed round is poised to play a pivotal role in strengthening Scandalous Foods’ position within the competitive HoReCa landscape.
In a press release, the founders expressed their gratitude for the unwavering support and confidence demonstrated by the co-leads and other prominent investors. Emphasizing their commitment to product innovation, expansion, and automation, the founders articulated a bold vision for Scandalous Foods. The ambitious goal of expanding touchpoints from 250 to 2000 within a year serves as a tangible manifestation of the company’s confidence in its growth trajectory.
The culinary landscape is undergoing a paradigm shift, and Scandalous Foods finds itself at the forefront of this transformation. By redefining how sweets are produced, packaged, and distributed, the company is carving a distinctive niche in the dynamic restaurant sector. The infusion of Rs 1.6 crore in the pre-seed round serves as a catalyst for propelling Scandalous Foods to new heights, solidifying its position as a trailblazer in the culinary domain. As the company continues to innovate and expand its offerings, industry observers are eagerly anticipating its journey and the profound impact it will undoubtedly have on the evolving food service landscape.